You can grow almost any variety of grape in a container. It can take up to three years to bear fruit. The woody vines and lush leaves can grow very fast in the first year.
If you have good soil, some space too spare, and don’t mind some annual pruning, growing grape is easy.

Plant Care:
Grapes are woody perennial vines.
Plant in full sun to provide the heat required to ripen the fruit.
Heavy pruning provides the best fruit. Light pruning results in large yields of poor-quality fruit. Remove canes that produced fruit the previous year. Keep a few strong stems, and train them on wires or a trellis. Shorten them to fit the space if needed, and prune everything else off
It can be prune in spring (February/March, or even as late as early April) because if prune too early a hard frost in late winter can damage the canes and buds.
To increase in size can be achieved by cluster and berry thinning and trunk girdling